Shemin Joy
New Delhi, Oct 7, 2007 (PTI) Inspired by Bollywood characterMunnabhai, a group of Gandhians in the capital have declared a"Gandhigiri" against HIV/AIDS by urging people to keep awayfrom illicit relationship by spreading the teachings of the Father of the Nation on moral and family values.
Activists of the 'Universal Peace Foundation' aredistributing "Gandhigiri" pamphlets, which contains messages of Mahatma Gandhi on values like being trustworthy in relationships and on the institution of wedding.
The pamphlet urges people to take a pledge that they will keep away from illicit relationships before or after marriage and will be faithful to the partner in the entire life. It also contains passages from sacred texts of various religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism,Zorastrianism and Ba'ahai.
The campaign was designed under the guidance ofeminent jurist L M Singhvi, who died yesterday.
"We are trying to reach out to the masses using theMahatma's teachings to fight against HIV/AIDS," DavidMcLackLand, a Britisher associated with the campaign, told PTI.
MacLackland, also a consultant with a charitable trust'Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace',said they chose the principles of Mahatma because his idealshave an universal appeal. Gandhiji also spoke on length about the need foradhering to family values, he added.
"We thought why not use his eternal principles in the fight against the deadly disease. The pamphlet also contains quotes from religious texts which talks about values,"MacLackland said.
He said it was "good to copy good things from abroadbut copying bad ideas like the western family values could create problems here". "Being from the West, I can say this with some conviction," McLackland said.
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