Tony Tharakan
The world premiere of acontroversial film based on the Godhra riots, at theInternational Film Festival of India here, led to afracas inside the auditorium.
Filmstars Sarika, Om Puri could only stand andwatch as certain members of the 300-strong audienceraised slogans against director Rahul Dholakiafollowing the screening of his English film 'Parzania'. The persons alleged that the film was biased and portrayed "only the Hindu community in a bad lightholding them responsible for the Godhra riots."
"Has Dawood funded this film?" was one audiencemember's query, who called the director a"pseudo-secularist." Defending his movie, the director said thatdespite being a Hindu himself, he had merely narratedthe story of a family and "what actually happened" inthe aftermath of the Godhra carnage.
"Were I to make a movie on 9/11, I would showMuslim fundamentalists in it," Dholakia said.
Coming to the director's rescue, Om Puri who waspresent at the screening as a guest, said that peoplewere also against the movie 'Tamas' when that filmbased on Partition was released. "The difference between 'Tamas' and this movie isthat the state participated in the riots. The stateshould not be partial. That is what made it horrid.This is the reason why the BJP lost the elections," hesaid.
Urging people to keep their cool, Puri said thatalthough he respected the feelings elicited by themovie, people should not react to a movie in this manner. "You can write about it if you want and shareyour viewpoint," he said.
Speaking to reporters outside the hall, Sarika said the reaction was on expected lines. "This did not come as a surprise. We wereexpecting this reaction from some people even whilemaking the movie. However, I stand by the film," she said.
Inspired by the true story of a family's lossduring the infamous Godhra riots of 1992, the filmstars Sarika and Naseeruddin as a Parsi couple wholoses their ten-year-son Parzan to the riots. "I am not trying to make a popcorn movie herewith the theme of national integration. I am trying oshow things as they really happened. The son of theman who inspired this movie is still missing,"Dholakia said adding that he would like to premierethe movie in Ahmedabad.
The director also said that his film had got aCensor Board certificate without any problems, barringa few minor audio cuts. When asked whether the movie would reopen healingwounds, Dholakia compared the Godhra riots togangrene.
"If you ignore gangrene in your foot, you mighthave to finally amputate it," he said. According to Dholakia, the film costing Rs threecrores was shot in the span of 45 days using live syncsound, although the scripting and research took oneand a half years.
"We were not sure whether we will be able torelease the film in India, that is why I made it inEnglish. The entire riot-sequence was shot withhand-held cameras. We also used a lot of footage fromreal life," Dholakia said. (Nov 26)
Pusan International Film Festival, the largest and most prestigious film festival in Asia, has invited 'Parzania', a film by Rahul Dholakia, to have its world premier. (More)
I’m not making a commercial popcorn film where Hindus kill Muslims who kill them backbut in the end both come out with national integration flags.’ (More)
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