
Monday, November 21, 2005

Quake -- An opportunity for embedded journalism?


Here, I am reproducing an email I got last month. Being a journalist, I thought I should share this view with you. But sorry for not revealing the identity of the writer right now as I had not told my friend that I will be publishing his mail. SO READ on...

Dear friend,
Lies make the headlines; more so, when the dateline is a conflict zone. it hardly matters, even if the newspeg is a massive earthquake.

the impressions:
1 indian army is doing a great job, even if they'd lost 40 soldiers in the tremour.
2. things are so bad in PoK.
3. Indian army is taking care of help in IoK
4. confusion in rescue operations in PoKand so on...

And the star indain journalists who at the moment report with the IoK datelines are taken around in the army craft. just to name a few, Burka Dutt got all her visuals in her embedded trips. The Week's defence reporter, R. Prasannan was army's choice when one seat was empty in the military aircraft carrying tents from Delhi. just some thoughts. couldn't resist when a Kashmiri reporer on the ground sent this mail.
best A

('A' got an email from a Kashmiri reporter 'B')

Hi A,
Sriangar had a narrow escape. yeah it was too narrow. we shaked badly. BUt it is bad in the peripheries. from the news (indian) it seems that on this side of kashmir relief has reached to people and the government has moved in. I wish it were true.

For military/political reasons indian army is using indian media to spread this lies. There are at least 13 villages (cut off after the landslide) where outsiders haven't reached yet. Most of the people are without tents in the affected zone and it is raining and snowing over there.
Regards B

So friends... Its food for thought

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