Tony Tharakan
The world premiere offilmmaker Prakash Jha's film 'Apaharan' at theInternational Film festival of India was marred by afracas this evening after the director and filmstarsAjay Devgan and Bipasha Basu arrived an hour late forthe screening.
Irate scribes and spectators vented their anger onthe trio and the commotion only ended when Jha, Devganand Basu apologised to the audience and left theauditorium. The screening, already delayed by an hour, wasstarted only to be interrupted ten minutes later.
Organisers were miffed with television crews whowere filming scenes from the movie despite beingwarned not to do so. The screening resumed only afterthe braodcast journalists left the auditorium. The high-profile premiere, seemed doomed from thestart, with more than five hundred people being giveninvitations in a 300-seat auditorium, which resultedin the hall being jampacked and many people with validinvites being turned away by organisers.
Several people had been waiting in line at theINOX multiples here since five in the evening for themovie which was scheduled to begin an hour later. Confusion reigned supreme with mediapersonswaiting in one auditorium for the stars of the filmeven as the celebrities were ushered into theadjoining hall which was screening the filmsimultaneously.
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