Tony Tharakan
Media personnel at theInternational Film Festival of India here today voicedconcern over several "outside agencies" being handedthe mandate of fixing up interviews with celebrities.
"It has been seen that these outside agencies arediscriminatory and have allowed only select mediaorganisations access to celebrity delegates forinterviews," several journalists told Directorate ofFilm Festivals (DFF) Director Afzal Amanullah at a feedback session here today.
"The same situation exists when it comes to filmparties wherein invitation cards are given only to afew journalists," they claimed. The journalists demanded that media interactionswith celebrity delegates should be set up only throughthe Press Information Bureau.
"If any outside agency is to be involved, itscommitment has to be fixed in consonance with theoverall control and functioning of the PIB," they said. Refuting the charges, Amanullah said only the PIBhad the mandate to fix up interviews with celebritydelegates at the film festival. However, the DFF chief said that he would lookinto the matter.
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