Monica Benderman
...My husband sits in a military prison because he dared to speak the truth. This war did not need to happen. He didn't care if he had the support of the American people. He risked everything to tell the truth, his health benefits, his children's college education, his career, and everything he had worked for, including ten years of honorable service, and a combat tour in Iraq. The truth was more important to him, and he was sent to prison on trumped up charges because he was not afraid to stand alone and speak it. His command presented false testimony, manipulated evidence and lost witnesses and ultimately sent him to prison, to keep him from telling the truth. BUT he persisted – and today we persist together – the TRUTH matters – and in the end the TRUTH wins.
What are you doing to tell the truth? What are you willing to risk? Not one thing.
You sent our soldiers to war to protect your elected office. You banded together because you saw the polls and you knew it was what the American people wanted. Why did they want it? Because a president, vice president, secretary of defense, secretary of state and a myriad of tongue-wagging, drooling groupies all gathered together and told them this administration could be trusted. Somewhere in the mix, people forgot – POWER CORRUPTS – and most assuredly makes those who believe they have the power forget.
You forgot that the American people put their trust in you to lead them well, as one of us – with integrity, and honesty – with the TRUTH... Read the Full Text
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